Great news: Innovation’s Impact Factor increased in 2019 from 1.055 to 1.279!
Our Journal is ranking now as 79/150 in the category of Sociology journals.
The Impact Factor, which is published by Clarivate Web of Science, is an influential metric that measures how much a journal is being cited.
In other citation rankings Innovation has seen an increase as well: our CiteScoreTM, which is released by Scopus, went up from 2.3 to 2.9 in 2019! Innovation can now proudly be found as number 75/231 in the category “Management of Technology and Innovation”. Find further information on the official Scopus website.
We, first of all, want to thank our authors that made this rise possible with their work! Furthermore, we give thanks to our reviewers, readers, the scientific community, and our publisher Routledge (Taylor&Francis Group) for their contributions!
We, nevertheless, want to point out that these rankings, of course, don’t show the whole picture of a journal’s and scientific work’s quality and influence. Therefore, we are – amongst other things – taking into account other metrics that don’t focus that much on citation rates, such as the Altmetric Attention Score that shows how articles are being shared and discussed online. Find out more about the different metrics here and Routledge’s stance on this issue here.