Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research welcomes the submission of proposals for special issues at any time. The topic of the special issue must be in line with the journal’s Aims & Scope. It should deal with societal innovations, change and transformation of organisations, institutions and societies at large from a social sciences...Read More
Issue 1/2022 is out! The special issue tackles an important and timely topic and brings together seven articles on populism and the role of emotions in politics with a focus on Europe. „This special issue of Innovation tackles the emotional economy of crises in Europe and attempts to link the affective world to institutional behaviour,...Read More
You have the option to publish open access in this journal via our Open Select publishing program. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership and impact of your research. Articles published Open Select with Taylor & Francis typically receive 32% more citations...Read More
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research welcomes the submission of proposals for special issues. The topic of the special issue must be in line with the journal’s Aims&Scope. It should deal with societal innovations, change and transformation of organisations, institutions and societies at large from a social sciences perspective. The goal should be...Read More
The issue „is dedicated to research that focuses on (the well-being) of people“, as our editor Marco Wedel explains in his editorial and brings together diverse papers with topics ranging from inclusion in higher education to the monitoring of the good life in cities. Read the open access editorial here: And the whole issue...Read More
The Issue 2/2021 has its focus on innovation in regional development in urban and rural regions. The five articles from the last two years are brought together by the editorial „Smart urban–smart rural: innovation in local and regional development“ by our Associate Editor Professor Saša Božić. „The effects of new approaches to development and innovation...Read More
In collaboration with our journal the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin invites researchers to submit their papers for the special issue People and Nature. Send your abstract until May 3 to The climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity are among the greatest challenges of our time. To address these problems, we must – together...Read More
Our first issue of the year has been published online. Being the first issue after Brexit became effective in January 2021 this open issue combines 7 articles from the last three years with the topics European identity, integration and immigration. Read the introductary editorial by our Editor-in-Chief Professor Dienel for free here: You can...Read More
Our new Special Issue „Enhancing the Cultural Industries in Europe“ with a focus on the European film industry is published online! The topic is especially relevant right now, as cultural institutions and the film industry are heavily affected by the effects of the current pandemic. Guest editors are Jimmyn Parc from the Seoul National University...Read More
Our Journal very recently joined Twitter. We’re late in the game but, nevertheless are looking forward to getting engaged with our community of authors, readers and social sciences enthusiasts. If you want to stay updated about recent articles, calls for papers and other information follow us @InnoEuJnl. See you there! Tweets by InnoEuJnlRead More